Our mission is to provide assistance to tenants of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and find solutions to problems related to their rental situation. Above all, we want to improve housing conditions in the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce district, but also in neighboring districts. We inform the population about their rights and obligations as tenants and mobilize the population of NDG around issues related to housing.
Fahimeh Delavar - Director
Gabrielle Pitre- Community organizer
Eunhye Lee - Commmunity worker
Felicia Rotaru- Community worker
Ashley Marie Arbis - Project Manager
Viorica Lortencova - Accountant
Members of our board
Patricia Pernica - President
Roy Pearsons - Administration
Amy Lord
Alain Spitzer
Georges Ohana
Annual report 2019-2020
Annual report 2020-2021
Annual report 2021-2022